E-Justice Research Project

Date: since 2020 (ongoing)

Objective: Explore the topics E-Justice and Information Technology under the aspects of democracy, rule of law and human rights.

International Workshop in Kyoto 2023

A three-day workshop in Kyoto organized in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation (Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia).

Further details and a video about the event: International Workshop in Kyoto 2023


As the workshop couldn’t take place as we had originally planned in 2020, we started to use the new technologies for virtual conferences for the following preliminary lectures and workshops with the participants:

Self-Driving Cars (14th August 2021)

Two lectures about the technical and legal aspects of self-driving cars by the following specialists from the field:

  • Naomasa Yoshida (Toyota Motor Corporation, Superintendent General Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department a.D.)
  • Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard (University of Freiburg, Computer Science, Head of the Research Laboratory for Autonomous Intelligent Systems)

URL: https://masahisadeguchi.com/online-vortrag-zum-160-jahrigen-jubilaum-der-deutsch-japanischen-beziehungen/

Digitalisation in the Civil Process under the aspects of democracy, rule of law and human rights (17th September 2021)

URL: https://masahisadeguchi.com/online-symposium-zum-160-jahrigen-jubilaum-der-deutsch-japanischen-beziehungen/

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hanns Prütting (Universität zu Köln)
  • Lawyer Ryoichi Mimura (Mimura, Komatsu & Yamagata Law Firm)
  • Dr. Thomas Dickert (President of the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Nuremberg)

E-Justice, ICT, Data Protection and Human Rights (25th March 2022)

URL: https://masahisadeguchi.com/online-lecture-e-justice-ict-data-protection-and-human-rights/

Lectures by:

Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer: former Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea (Austria)
Lecture: Electronic evidence – technology in the court room (E-Justice)

Prof. Dr. Meinhard Schröder: Passau University (Germany)
Lecture: E-Identity


  • Prof. Dr. Shimon Shetreet (emeritus): Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
  • Prof. Dr. Makoto Ibusuki: Seijyo University (Japan)
  • Justice Ilwon KANG: Former Justice of Constitutional Court (Korea)
  • Prof. Dr. Markus Gehrlein: BGH Judge (ret.) (Germany)
  • Dr. Michael Pils: Taylor Wessing (Germany) 
  • Prof. Dr. Omi Hatashin: Osaka Jogakuin University (Japan) 

The adaptation of Scottish Courts to the pandemic: an innovative new chapter for the Justice system (22nd April 2022)

URL: https://masahisadeguchi.com/the-adaptation-of-scottish-courts-to-the-pandemic-an-innovative-new-chapter-for-the-justice-system/


Ian Forrester QC LLD:  former judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)

The panel for the event:

  • The Right Hon Lord Carloway
  • The Right Hon Lady Dorrian
  • Roddy Dunlop QC
  • The Right Hon Dorothy Bain QC
  • Laura Dunlop QC

International Online-Workshop on E-Justice, ICT, Data Protection and Human Rights (27th May 2022)

URL: https://masahisadeguchi.com/international-online-workshop-on-e-justice-ict-data-protection-and-human-rights/

Lectures by:

Prof. Shimon Shetreet (Greenblatt Chair of Public and International Law Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Lecture: Justice and Advanced Technology: Judicial Independence, Efficiency and Quality

Prof. Dr. Foroud Shirvani (Professur für Öffentliches Recht Gottfried-Meulenbergh-Stiftungsprofessur Universität Bonn)
Lecture Digitisation of the administrative court proceedings

Prof. Dr. Christoph Krönke (WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Institut für Österreichisches und Europäisches Öffentliches Recht (IOER))
Lecture: AI in Public Administration

International Online-Workshop on E-Justice, ICT, Data Protection and Human Rights (26th November 2022)

URL: https://masahisadeguchi.com/international-online-workshop-on-e-justice-ict-data-protection-and-human-rights-2/

Prof. Dr. Bart Krans, Leiden Law School | Universiteit Leiden

Lecture: Civil Courts Coping with Covid-19 (Digitalisation)

Prof. Dr. Philipp Reuß, MJur (Oxford) Institut für Privat- und Prozessrecht

Lecture: The Orality Principle and the Digitalisation of Civil Procedure Law in Germany

Prof. Dr. Christian Gomille, Universität des Saarlandes

Lecture: Online notarization under German notarial law