
International Online-Workshop on E-Justice, ICT, Data Protection and Human Rights

2022 Ritsumeikan University

Date: 26 November 2022 (Saturday)

09:30-11:30 (CET)
17:30–19:30 PM (Japan)

Language: English

The Institute for Justice Systems in Comparative Law (IJSCL) Ritsumeikan University


09:30 (CET)
17:30 (JST)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Masahisa Deguchi (Ritsumeikan University)
09:35 (CET)
17:35 (JST)
Prof. Dr. Bart Krans, Leiden Law School | Universiteit Leiden

Lecture: “Civil Courts Coping with Covid-19” (digitalisation)
9:55 (CET)
16:55 (JST)
10:10 (CET)
18:10 (JST)
Prof. Dr. Philipp Reuß, MJur (Oxford) Institut für Privat- und Prozessrecht

Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Zivilprozessrecht, Internationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Lecture: The Orality Principle and the Digitalisation of Civil Procedure Law in Germany
10:30 (CET)
18:30 (JST)
10:45 (CET) – 18:45 (JST) Prof. Dr. Christian Gomille
Universität des Saarlandes, Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Europäisches und Internationales Privatrecht sowie Zivilprozessrecht

Lecture: Online notarization under German notarial law
11:00 (CET)
19:00 (JST)
11:30 (CET)
19:30 (JST)
Closing Remarks

Prof. Dr. Masahisa Deguchi (Ritsumeikan University)
End of the Workshop

Registration form

until: 3 November 2023

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PDF: 日独 三国同盟は虚像 手塚和乾






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International Online-Workshop on E-Justice, ICT, Data Protection and Human Rights

2022 Ritsumeikan University

Date: 27 May 2022 (Friday

10:00-12:00 (CET)
11:00-13:00 (Jerusalem Time)
17:00–19:00 PM (Japan)

Language: English

The Institute for Justice Systems in Comparative Law (IJSCL) Ritsumeikan University


10:00 (CET)
17:00 (Jerusalem)
17:00 (JST)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Masahisa Deguchi (Ritsumeikan University)
10:05 (CET)
11:05 (Jerusalem)
17:05 (JST)
Welcome Speech

Prof. Dr. Shinichi Ago (Director of Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University)
10:10 (CET)
11:10 (Jerusalem)
17:10 (JST)
Prof. Shimon Shetreet (Greenblatt Chair of Public and International Law Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Lecture: Justice and Advanced Technology: Judicial Independence, Efficiency and Quality
10:30 (CET)
11:30 (Jerusalem)
17:30 (JST)
Prof. Dr. Foroud Shirvani (Professur für Öffentliches Recht Gottfried-Meulenbergh-Stiftungsprofessur Universität Bonn)

Lecture: Digitisation of the administrative court proceedings
10:50 (CET)
11:50 (Jerusalem)
17:50 (JST)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Krönke (WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Institut für Österreichisches und Europäisches Öffentliches Recht (IOER))

Lecture: AI in Public Administration
11:10 (CET)
12:10 (Jerusalem)
18:10 (JST)
12:00 (CET) – 13:00(Jerusalem)
19:00 (JST)
Closing Remarks

Prof. Kimio Yakushiji (Ritsumeikan University)

Registration form

until: 3 November 2023

Please fill out the following form to register for our lecture. We only require your email address and your full name. Further details are optional.

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Registration form

until: 3 November 2023

Please fill out the following form to register for our lecture. We only require your email address and your full name. Further details are optional.

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The adaptation of Scottish Courts to the pandemic: an innovative new chapter for the Justice system


Ian Forrester QC LLD


Professor Dr. Masahisa Deguchi

The panel for this event will be the following:

The Right Hon Lord Carloway
The Right Hon Lady Dorrian
Roddy Dunlop QC
The Right Hon Dorothy Bain QC
Laura Dunlop QC


PDF Document with further details on the seminar by Ian Forrester QC LLD: The Scottish courts seminar on Friday April 22


The webinar is open to all. Registration is free and the event will be recorded.  

To register, please fill out the registration form below and details on how to join will be sent prior to the event.

The society welcomes new members. To join the FBLS, click on the following link.

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Preliminary International Online-Workshop: E-Justice, ICT, Data Protection and Human Rights

2022 Ritsumeikan University

Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer: EU-Ambassador ret., distinguished Professor at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) of the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) and the editor of the CSDS policy brief series.
Prof. Meinhard Schroeder
Prof. Dr. Meinhard Schröder: Passau University (Germany)

Date: 25 March 2022

Time: 09:00-11:00 (CET) = 17:00–19:00 PM (JST)

Language: English

Study Group on Comparative Judicial Systems, College of Law, Ritsumeikan University

Peace Education and Research Center, International Peace Museum, Ritsumeikan University

Egusa Foundation for International Cooperation in the Social Science (SEFICSS)
Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung (KAS)


09:00 (CET)
17:00 (JST)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Masahisa Deguchi (Ritsumeikan University)
09:05 (CET)
17:05 (JST)
Opening remarks

Prof. Dr. Shinichi Ago (Director of Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University)
09:10 (CET)
17:10 (JST)
Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer: former Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea (Austria)

Lecture: Electronic evidence – technology in the court room (E-Justice)
Prof. Dr. Meinhard Schröder: Passau University (Germany)

Lecture: E-Identity
09:50 (CET) – 17:50(JST)Comments & Discussion

Prof. Dr. Shimon Shetreet (emeritus): Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Prof. Dr. Makoto Ibusuki: Seijyo University (Japan)
Justice Ilwon KANG: Former Justice of Constitutional Court (Korea)
Prof. Dr. Markus Gehrlein: BGH Judge (ret.) (Germany)
Dr. Michael Pils: Taylor Wessing (Germany) 
Prof. Dr. Omi Hatashin: Osaka Jogakuin University (Japan) 

Justice Ilwon KANG
Chien-Liang Lee
Prof. Dr. Markus Gehrlein
11:00 (CET)
19:00 (JST)
End of Workshop


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Immigration Policy in Europe – Torn Between Demography, Values and War

Ritsumeikan University Online Seminar

Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer: EU-Ambassador ret., distinguished Professor at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) of the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) and the editor of the CSDS policy brief series.

Date: 12 March 2022

Time: 09:30-11:30 (CET) = 17:30–19:30 PM (JST)

Language: English

The Institute for Justice Systems in Comparative Law (IJSCL) Ritsumeikan University
Kyoto Human Rights Research Institute
Center for Peace Education and Research, Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University


09:30 (CET)
17:30 (JST)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Masahisa Deguchi (Ritsumeikan University)
09:35 (CET)
17:35 (JST)
Opening Speech:

Prof. Dr. Shinichi Ago (Director of Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University)
09:40 (CET)
17:40 (JST)
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer (EU-Ambassador ret., Centre for Security, Diplomacy & Strategy at the Brussels School of Governance)

Lecture: Immigration policy in Europe: between demography, values and war (PDF) |
Outline (PDF)
10:20 (CET) – 18:20 (JST)Coordinator: Prof. Kimio Yakushiji (Ritsumeikan University)
10:25 (CET)
18:25 (JST)
Prof. Dr. Kaoru Obata (Nagoya University)

Presentation Slides (PDF) | Talking Points (PDF) | Abstract of Comments (PDF)
10:35 (CET)
18:35 (JST)
Prof. Dr. Hanako Umezawa (Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

Some facts and thoughts on the matter of immigration: EU, Japan and Ukraine (PDF)
10:45 (CET)
18:45 (JST)

Prof. Goro Toda (Kyoto Sangyo University): Questions (PDF)
Lecturer Dr. Shiho Sugiki (Kagawa University): Questions (PDF)
Prof. Omi Hatashin (Osaka Jogakuin University): Question (PDF)
Researcher Diana Arie (Kyoto Human Rights Research Institute): Question (PDF)
Prof. Koichi Matsumoto (Nihon University): Question (PDF)
Researcher Satoru Furuya (Kyoto Human Rights Research Institute)
Researcher Haruko Uchida (Kyoto Human Rights Research Institute)
Hiroshi FUKUYAMA (Civil servant of the Ministry of Justice, Office of Immigration Control off-duty): Questions (PDF)
Prof. Dr. Ryuich Higuchi (Meijigakuin University)
11:25 (CET)
19:25 (JST)
Closing remarks:

Prof. Kimio Yakushiji (Ritsumeikan University)

Dr. Michael Reiterer

is a distinguished Professor at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) of the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) and the editor of the CSDS policy brief series.

Michael Reiterer pursued his academic career always in parallel to his diplomatic one at the Austrian and then European service. After graduating as Dr. jur. from the University of Innsbruck, post-graduate studies at the Johns Hopkins University/Bologna Centre and the Graduate Institute for International Studies in Geneva were further stepping stones to his habilitation (PhD) in International Politics at the University of Innsbruck (2005, Institute for Political Science) focussing on EU-Asia relations. EU foreign policy, EU-Asia relations in particular with Japan and Korea, inter-regionalism, security issues, new forms of diplomacy, human rights are nowadays the main focus of his research, having previously published extensively on international trade law and relations including WTO, trade and environment and the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM). He has taught at various universities in Europe & Asia.

In September 2020 he retired from the European Diplomatic Service (European External Action Service-EEAS) as Ambassador plenipotentiary and extraordinary of the European Union to the Republic of Korea; previous posts included Ambassador to Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, Deputy Head of Mission/Minister at the EU Delegation to Japan, Minister Counsellor at the Austrian Permanent Representation to the EU, Counsellor at the Austrian Permanent Representation to the GATT, Austrian Deputy Trade Commissioner for West Africa (out of Abidjan/Ivory Coast) and to Japan. In addition, he co-chaired the Joint Group of Trade and Environment Experts at the OECD, served as panellist at the WTO dispute settlement and was a member of the European Economic and Social Committee.

Additional Activities

Adjunct professor for international politics at Webster University, Vienna; Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali “Guido Carli” (LUISS), Rome; University of Innsbruck; Danube University, Krems/Austria.

Associate Fellow, Global Fellowship Initiative at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), Switzerland

Senior Advisor, Center for Asia Pacific Strategy (CAPS), Washington D.C.;  STEAR (Student Thinktank for Europe-Asia Relations) Singapore (2021-).

Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Forum Alpbach/Austria

Member of the Council of the Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe, Lausanne/Switzerland

Member of the Advisory Board of the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies

Invited professor, Kobe University, Ritsumekan University/Kyoto (2021/22), Japan

Member of the International Academic Consultative Council of the University of Kobe/Japan until 2020.


Order of Merit in Silver with Star (2019), Government of the Republic of Austria

Honorary Citizenship of Seoul (2020), Seoul Metropolitan Government, Republic of Korea


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Online-Lecture: The primacy of EU law over national law

“Rule of law contested – the Case of the Polish Constitutional Court”

Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer: EU-Ambassador ret., Centre for Security, Diplomacy & Strategy at the Brussels School of Governance

Date: 12 February 2022

Time: 09:00-10:30 (CET) = 17:00 – 18:30 PM (JST)

Language: English

The Institute for Justice Systems in Comparative Law (IJSCL) Ritsumeikan University

Center for Peace Education and Research, Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University


1 Introduction – the law-based integration model of the European Union
2 The jurisdiction of the Court is limited
3  The sovereignty issue
4  Primacy of EU law contested
5  What is at stake?
6  The heart of the EU – its values and principles
7  Conclusions
Comments & Questions: PDF Download

Prof. Masahisa Deguchi (Ritsumeikan University)

Prof. Kimio Yakushiji (Ritsumeikan University)
Prof. Katsuhiro Shoji (Chuo University)
Prof. Koji Fukuda (Waseda University)
Prof. Takahiro Shinyo (Kwansei Gakuin University)



Distinguished Professor, EU-Ambassador ret., Centre for Security, Diplomacy & Strategy at the Brussels School of Governance.

Michael Reiterer held positions at the Missions of Austria to the European Union (1997–1998) and the GATT (1990–1992) and negotiated in the GATT Uruguay Round. He was co-chair trade of the OECD Joint Experts Group of trade and environment experts. He served on the GATT Panel Split-run editions Canada-US. He was also Deputy Austrian Trade Commissioner to West Africa with seat in Abidjan/Côte d’Ivoire (1982–1985) and Japan (1985–1988); 1992–1997 he served as Deputy Director General for European Integration Policy of the Federal Economic Chamber of Austria; 1997/1998 he was a member of the European Social and Economic Committee.

Having joint the European foreign service in 1998 as Counselor for ASEM (1998–2002), he served as Minister/Deputy Head of the EC Delegation to Japan (2002–2006), EU-Ambassador to Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein (2007–2011) and Principal Adviser to the Managing Director for the Asia Pacific of the European External Action Service (2012–2016). In February 2017 he was appointed Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea, a position he held until his retirement in September 2020.

Having been appointed adjunct professor for international politics in 2005 at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, he is now Distinguished Professor at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Brussels School of Governance, Free University of Brussels.


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Online-Symposium zum 160-jährigen Jubiläum der deutsch-japanischen Beziehungen

“Einführung in die Prozessrechtsvergleichung”

Datum: Donnerstag, 09. Dezember 2021

Zeit: 09:30–11:45 Uhr (CET) | 17:30–18:45 Uhr (JST)

Sprache: Deutsch


The Institute for Justice Systems in Comparative Law (IJSCL) Ritsumeikan Universität


Japanisches Generalkonsulat München
Center for Peace Education and Research, Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan Universität


Deutsch-Japanische Juristenvereinigung e.V. (DJJV)
Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Osaka-Kobe


9:30 Uhr (CET) 17:30 Uhr (JST) Moderator: Prof. Dr. Masahisa Deguchi (Ritsumeikan Universität)
09:35 Uhr (CET)
17:35 Uhr (JST)

Nobutaka MAEKAWA (Generalkonsul am Japanischen Generalkonsulat München)
09:40 Uhr (CET)
17:40 Uhr (JST)
Festvortrag: Prof. Dr. Peter Gottwald (Regensburg Universität)

Thema: Einführung in die Prozessrechtsvergleichung | Introduction to Comparative Civil Procedure
09:45 Uhr (CET)
17:45 Uhr (JST)
Prof. Dr. Koichi Matsumoto (Nihon Universität)

Kommentar | 日本語版
10:15 Uhr (CET)
18:15 Uhr (JST)
Kommentar: Prof. Masaaki Haga (Keio Universität)

10:20 Uhr (CET)
18:20 Uhr (JST)

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Masahisa Deguchi (Ritsumeikan Universität)
10:25 Uhr (CET)
18:25 Uhr (JST)
Abschließende Stellungnahme:

Prof. Dr. Peter Gottwald (Regensburg Universität)
10:35 Uhr (CET)
18:35 Uhr (JST)
Schlusswort: Prof. Dr. Masahisa Deguchi, (Ritsumeikan Universität)
10:45 Uhr (CET)
18:45 Uhr (JST)
Ende der Veranstaltung

Anmeldung zum Online-Symposium

Für die Anmeldung zu unserem Online-Symposium füllen Sie bitte das folgende Formular aus. Wir benötigen dafür Ihre E-Mailadresse, sowie Ihren Vor- und Nachnamen. Alle weiteren Angaben sind freiwillig.

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Online-Symposium zum 160-jährigen Jubiläum der deutsch-japanischen Beziehungen

“Digitalisierung im Zivilprozess unter den Aspekten von Demokratie, Rechtsstaat und Menschenrechten”

Datum: Freitag, 17. September 2021

Zeit: 10:00–12:00 Uhr (CET) | 17:00–19:00 Uhr (JST)

Sprache: Deutsch


The Institute for Justice Systems in Comparative Law (IJSCL) Ritsumeikan Universität


Center for Peace Education and Research, Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan Universität
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Auslandsbüro Tokyo
Kölner Alumni-Club Japan
Freiburger Alumni-Club Japan
Meiji Universität Juristische Fakultät


DAAD Tomonokai
Deutsch-Japanische Juristenvereinigung e.V. (DJJV)
Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Osaka-Kobe


10:00 Uhr (CET) 17:00 Uhr (JST) Gesamtmoderation: Prof. Dr. Masahisa Deguchi (Ritsumeikan Universität)
10:05 Uhr (CET)
17:05 Uhr (JST)
Prof. Dr. Takahiro Shinyo (Dekan, Integriertes Zentrum für UN- und außenpolitische Studien, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japanischer Botschafter in Deutschland a.D.)
10:10 Uhr (CET)
17:10 Uhr (JST)
Grundsatzvortrag: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hanns Prütting (Universität zu Köln)

Vortrag: Digitalisierung im Zivilprozess unter den Aspekten von Demokratie, Rechtsstaat und Menschenrechten | 日本語仮訳
10:40 Uhr (CET)
17:40 Uhr (JST)
Koordinator: Prof. Dr. Antonios Karaiskos (Universität zu Kyoto)

10:45 Uhr (CET)
17:45 Uhr (JST)
Rechtsanwalt Ryoichi Mimura (Mimura, Komatsu & Yamagata Law Firm)

Problematik vom Standpunkt der Praxis
10:55 Uhr (CET)
17:55 Uhr (JST)
Dr. Thomas Dickert (Präsidenten des Oberlandesgerichts Nürnberg)

Thema: Kommentar | Modernisierung des Zivilprozesses
11:05 Uhr (CET)
18:05 Uhr (JST)
Prof. Dr.iur.Dr.h.c. Takehiko Mikami (Musashino Universität)

11:10 Uhr (CET)
18:10 Uhr (JST)
Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Rolf Stürner (Universität Freiburg)

11:15 Uhr (CET)
18:15 Uhr (JST)
Prof. Koji Nakayama (Meiji Universität)

11:20 Uhr (CET)
18:20 Uhr (JST)
Prof. Dr. Volkert Vorwerk (Rechtsanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof)

11:25 Uhr (CET)
18:25 Uhr (JST)
Prof. Dr. Ho Moon-hyuck (Seoul National Universität)

11:30 Uhr (CET)
18:30 Uhr (JST)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lüke (Leipzig Universität)

11:35 Uhr (CET)
18:35 Uhr (JST)
Tim Eicke (Richter am Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte)

11:40 Uhr (CET)
18:40 Uhr (JST)
Rechtsanwalt Dr. Maximilian Lentz (Nishimura & Asahi)

11:45 Uhr (CET)
18:45 Uhr (JST)
Prof. Dr. Bart Krans (Leiden Universität)

11:50 Uhr (CET)
18:50 Uhr (JST)
Präsident Andreas Neff (Landgericht Freiburg)

11:55 Uhr (CET)
18:55 Uhr (JST)
Möglichkeit zu Statements

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Masahisa Deguchi (Ritsumeikan Universität)
12:15 Uhr (CET)
19:15 Uhr (JST)
Abschließende Stellungnahme: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hanns Prütting (Universität zu Köln)
12:20 Uhr (CET)
19:20 Uhr (JST)
Vertretung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Auslandsbüro Tokyo)
Prof. Dr. Shinichi Ago (Direktor des Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan Universität)
12:25 Uhr (CET) – 19:25 Uhr (Kyoto)
Ende der Veranstaltung

Anmeldung zum Online-Symposium

Für die Anmeldung zu unserem Online-Symposium füllen Sie bitte das folgende Formular aus. Wir benötigen dafür Ihre E-Mailadresse, sowie Ihren Vor- und Nachnamen. Alle weiteren Angaben sind freiwillig.

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