Registration form
until: November 9, 2023
Please fill out the following form to register for our lecture. We only require your email address and your full name. Further details are optional.
until: November 9, 2023
Please fill out the following form to register for our lecture. We only require your email address and your full name. Further details are optional.
until: November 27, 2023
Please fill out the following form to register for our lecture. We only require your email address and your full name. Further details are optional.
until: 3 November 2023
Please fill out the following form to register for our lecture. We only require your email address and your full name. Further details are optional.
Date: 13-14 October 2023
Language: English
Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Campus, Soshikan Conference Room
The Institute for Justice Systems in Comparative Law (IJSCL) Ritsumeikan University
17:00 Opening Ceremony |
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mitsuyuki Inaba (Ritsumeikan University) Prof. Dr. Makoto Hizume (Dean of Law Faculty, Ritsumeikan University) Moderator: Prof. Dr. Masahisa Deguchi (Ritsumeikan University |
17:10 Session 1: “Implementation of the Representative Action Directive in Germany” |
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Astrid Stadler (Konstanz University) Moderator: Prof. Antonios Karaiskos (Ryukoku University) PDFs: – Implementation of the Representative Action Directive in Germany – Presentation Slides – ドイツにおける代表訴訟に関する指令 清水宏訳 |
17:50 Coffee Break |
18:10 Comments & Discussion |
Prof. Dr. Choong-soo HAN (Hanyang University) Associate Professor Zhixun Cao (Peking University) Prof. Dr. Álvaro Pérez Ragone (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) Associate Professor Wei-Yu Chen (National Taiwan University) Associate Professor Dr. Eun Hyeon Kang (University of Seoul) Prof. Antonios Karaiskos (Ryukoku University) Prof. Kunihiro Nakata (Ryukoku University) Prof. Hiroshi Shimizu (Toyo University) PDFs: – Prof. Han – Prof. Dr. Álvaro Pérez Ragone – Associate Professor Wei-Yu Chen – Associate Professor Dr. Eun Hyeon Kang – Prof. Hiroshi Shimizu – Prof. Antonios Karaiskos – Associate Professor Zhixun Cao – Prof. Kunihiro Nakata |
19:10 Greeting |
Prof. Dr. Makoto Hizume (Dean of Law Faculty, Ritsumeikan University) Moderator: Prof. Dr. Masahisa Deguchi (Ritsumeikan University) |
19:30 Dinner |
10:00 Session 2: “Digitization of Civil Procedure” |
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Astrid Stadler (Konstanz University) Moderator: Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Marutschke (Doshisha University) PDFs: – Digitization of Civil Procedure – Presentation slides – 訳文 |
11:00 Coffee Break & Group Photo |
11:20 Comments & Discussion |
Prof. Shusuke Kakiuchi (Tokyo University) Prof. Koji Takahashi (Doshisha University) Prof. Dr. Choong-soo HAN (Hanyang University) Associate Professor Zhixun Cao (Peking University) Prof. Dr. Álvaro Pérez Ragone (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) Associate Professor Wei-Yu Chen (National Taiwan University) Prof. Hiroshi Tega (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Associate Professor Dr. Eun Hyeon Kang (University of Seoul) Hiroko Namura (Attorney at law) Miyako Ikuta (Attorney at law) PDFs: – Prof. Choong-soo HAN – Prof. Dr. Álvaro Pérez Ragone – Associate Professor Wei-Yu Chen – Associate Professor Dr. Eun Hyeong Kang – Prof. Shusuke Kakiuchi – Prof. Hiroshi Tega – Judge Masahiko TASHIRO: Fragen und Bemerkungen zur Digitalisierung der Justiz |
12:40 Lunch & Myoshinji Temple |
15:00 Meeting at Conference Room: Visit to Jury Court and Peace Museum |
16:00 Session 3: “European Model Rules of Civil Procedure 2021” |
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Astrid Stadler (Konstanz University) Moderator: Prof. Hiroshi Tega (Tokyo Metropolitan University) PDF: – European Model Rules of Civil Procedure 2021 – Presentation Slides – 翻訳 |
17:00 Coffe Break & Group Photo |
17:20 Comments & Discussion |
Prof. Dr. Choong-soo HAN (Hanyang University) Associate Professor Zhixun Cao (Peking University) Prof. Dr. Álvaro Pérez Ragone (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) Associate Professor Wei-Yu Chen (National Taiwan University) Associate Professor Dr. Eun Hyeon Kang (University of Seoul) Prof. Koji Takahashi (Doshisha University) PDFs: – Prof. Han – Prof. Dr. Álvaro Pérez Ragone – Associate Professor Wei-Yu Chen – Judge Masahiko TASHIRO: Frage zum ERCP – Wei-Yu Chen: Comments – Associate Professor Dr. Eun Hyeon Kang |
18:40 Closing Ceremony |
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Masahisa Deguchi (Ritsumeikan University) |
18:50 End |
19:15 Dinner |
Transport from Ritsumeikan University |
until: 11 October 2023
Please fill out the following form to register for our online lecture. We only require your email address and your full name. Further details are optional.
Date: 12-14 March 2023
Language: English
Soshikan conference room Ritsumeikan Kinugasa campus
Kyoto 603-8577 Kita-ku Tojiin Kitamachi 56-
http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/eng/common/img/data/kinu_map.pdf No.30
The Institute for Justice Systems in Comparative Law (IJSCL) Ritsumeikan University
Konrad-Adenauer Foundation (Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia)
Eugusa Foundation for International Cooperation in the Social Science
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Peace Education and Research Institut. Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University
International Collaborative Research Promotion Program, Research Division, Research Office at Ritsumeikan University
Faculty of Law, Ritsumeikan University
A short video about our workshop with interviews of the organizers and participants.
Digitalization and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) are fundamentally reshaping the social, political and legal world. This is both a chance as well as a challenge to the legal world.
Modern technology facilitates legal system transparency and accountability, improves access to judicial systems, and speed up proceedings; meanwhile, multi-national companies must answer how they store the data of their users, and what privacy and secrecy rules apply to them, without violating the data privacy rules of the countries they are operating in; in terms of data secrecy and human rights, facial recognition systems and biometric collections raise concerns about privacy and human rights issues that can not be solved on a national level. Based on the recent developments in social media, global e-commerce and legal tech/e-justice, the workshop asks the question to what extent these technologies can help create legal areas across borders while ensuring the protection of fundamental rights/human rights.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the topic’s timeliness and the difficulty of protecting privacy and fundamental rights during an ongoing state of emergency.
Our two previous symposiums discussed the necessity of and the required framework for an Asian legal sphere. New technologies have created a connected world that is leading to a common area in Asia (and the world) and the necessity of an Asian legal sphere. European governments lead e-government development globally and integration in Europe has lead to a steady increase of cross-border legal procedures. European laws and regulations like the GDPR are used as a global baseline.
This workshop is about the new challenges of these technologies that Asia and Europe are dealing with right now. The main focus of this workshop will be discussions about these issues and concrete measures we can take. Many of our guests are therefore practitioners (judges, lawyers, members of court, public servants) who can share their insights into the ongoing challenges and practical solutions that already exist.
Session 1 |
16:50 General Moderator: Prof. Masahisa Deguchi, Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
16:55 Opening Speech: Prof. Shinichi Ago, Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
17:00 Stefan Samse, Director Rule of Law Programme Asia, Leiter Rechtsstaatsprogramm Asien, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation |
17:05 Moderator: Prof. Hans-Peter Marutschke, Doshisha University (Deutschland) |
17:10 Speaker: Prof. Johannes Masing: Freiburg University (Germany) |
“Fundamental Rights Protection on the Internet-Horizontal Effects in the Information Age” |
17:40 Comments (3 minutes) & Discussion: |
Prof. Kimio Yakushiji: Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
Justice Kang Il-Won: Former Justice of Constitutional Court (Korea) |
Prof. In-Chin Chen: National Central University – NCU, Graduate Institute of Law & Government (Taiwan) |
Judge Ian Stewart Forrester: former judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union |
Prof. Shimon Shetreet, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) |
Prof. Michael Reiterer: former Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea (Austria) |
Prof. Masato Ichikawa: Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
18:30 End |
Session 2 |
09:15 Moderator: Prof. Dr. Michael Johannes Pils: Lawyer at Taylor Wessing (Germany) |
09:20 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Bart Krans, Universiteit Leiden (The Netherlands) Civil Courts |
“Covid and E-Justice” |
09:40 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Chien-Liang Lee Dist. Prof. Dr. & Director Institutum |
Iurisprudentiae Academia Sinica (Taiwan) |
“Legal Issues of Taiwan’s Digital Fence System in Times of COVID-19” |
10:00 Comments & Discussion: |
Prof. Dr. Meinhard Schröder, Passau University (Germany) |
10:20 Coffee Break |
Session 3. |
10:35 Moderator: Nguyen Linh Giang: Institute of State and Law, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (Vietnam) |
10:40 Speaker: Speaker: Prof. Dr. Christian Gomille, Universität des Saarlandes (Germany) “Online notarization under German notarial law” |
11:00 Prof. Dr. Philipp Reuß, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany) |
“The Orality Principle and the Digitalisation of Civil Procedure Law in Germany” |
11:20 Comment & Discussion: |
Assistant Prof. Maiko Miyashita (Surugadai University) |
Prof. Kuan-Ling Shen, National Taiwan University (Taiwan) |
11:40 Lunch |
Session 4. |
13:10 Welcome Speech: Prof. Makoto Hizume, Dean, College of Law, Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
13:15 Moderotor: Prof. Dr. Christian Gomille, Universität des Saarlandes (Germany) |
13:30 Speaker: Prof. In-Chin Chen: National Central University – NCU, Graduate |
“Digital Democracy in Taiwan“ |
13:50 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer: former Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea (Austria) “Cyber security as the framework for e-justice” |
14:10 Comment & Discussion: Prof. Heribertus Jaka Triyana (Indonesia) |
14:30 Coffee Break |
Session 5. |
14:45 Moderator: Prof. Kuan-Ling Shen, National Taiwan University (Taiwan) |
14:50 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Heriberutus Jaka Triyana: Faculty of Law Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia)“Relevance of Information Technology for Legal Education: Experience from Gadjah Mada University Law Faculty” |
15:10 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Christoph Krönke (WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Institut für Österreichisches und Europäisches Öffentliches Recht (IOER)) “AI in Public Administration” |
15:30 Comment & Discussion: KANG Il-won, Former Justice of the Constitutional Court in Korea, member of the Bureau Venice Commission (Korea) |
15:50 Coffee Break |
Session 6. |
16:20 Moderator: Prof. Masahisa Deguchi, Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
16:25 Speech: Martin Eberts Generalkonsul der Bundesrepbulik Deutschland Osaka Kobe |
16:30 Ritsumeikan Jazz Band |
16:35 Special Speaker: Yasuhiro Fujioka, “John Coltrane and Human Rights” |
17:35 Ritsumeikan Jazz Band |
17:45 End |
Session 7. |
09:30 Moderator: Prof. Dr. Chien-Liang Lee Dist. Prof. Dr. & Director Institutum Iurisprudentiae Academia Sinica (Taiwan) |
09:35 Speaker: Prof. Shimon Shetreet (Greenblatt Chair of Public and International Law Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) “The Justice Basic Values and Advance Technology: Contemporary Challenges” |
09:55 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Meinhard Schröder, Passau University (Germany) |
“Explainability of Artificial Intelligence (AI)” |
10:15 Comment & Discussion: |
Prof. Dr. Bart Krans, Universiteit Leiden (The Netherlands) |
10:35 Coffee Break |
Session 8. |
10:50 Moderator: Prof. Dr. Meinhard Schröder, Passau University (Germany) |
10:55 Speaker: Judge Ian Stewart Forrester: former judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union “European law and data questions” |
11:15 Speaker: Britta Sültz, Registered Foreign Law Attorney (German Law) at ARQIS Foreign Law Office ”Practical aspects and legal background of the work of foreign attorneys in Japan” |
11:35 Comment & Discussion: Prof. Omi Hatashin, Osaka Jyogakuin University (Japan) |
11:55 Lunch |
Session 9. |
14:00 Moderator: Prof. Hiroshi Tega (Japan) |
14:05 Speaker: KANG Il-won: former Justice of the Constitutional Court in Korea, member of the Bureau Venice Commission (Republic Korea) “E-Justice and Enhancement of Procedural Rights”. |
14:25 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michael Johannes Pils: Lawyer at Taylor Wessing (Germany) |
“Impacts of Information Technology in Employment Law” |
14:45 Comment & Discussion: |
Prof. Dr. Christian Gomille, Universität des Saarlandes (Germany) |
15:05 Coffee Break |
Session 10. |
15:20 Moderator: Prof. Dr. Philipp Reuß, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany) |
15:25 Speaker: Nguyen Linh Giang: Institute of State and Law, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (Vietnam) “Human rights and E-Justice in Vietnam in the post Covid-19 period” |
15:45 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Foroud Shirvani: Universität Bonn (Germany) “Digitisation of the Administrative Court Proceedings” |
16:05 Comment & Discussion: |
Britta Sültz, Registered Foreign Law Attorney (German Law) at ARQIS Foreign Law Office |
16:25 Coffee Break |
Session 11. |
16:50 Piano Music: Mayuko Obuchi from Wien (Japan) |
16:55 Moderator: Prof. Omi Hatashin (Japan) |
17:00 Speaker: Ian Stewart Forrester (Scotland) “The Brexit saga – the current developments” |
17:30 Comment (5 Minutes) & Discussion: |
Prof. Johannes Masing (Germany) |
Prof. Shimon Shetreet (Israel) |
Prof. Dr. Michael Johannes Pils (Germany) |
Justice Kang Il-Won (Korea) |
Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer (Austria) |
18:15 Closing Speech: Prof. Mitsuyuki Inaba, Dean of Research, Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
18:30 End |
Date: 12-14 March 2023
Language: English
The Institute for Justice Systems in Comparative Law (IJSCL) Ritsumeikan University
Konrad-Adenauer Foundation (Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia)
Eugusa Foundation for International Cooperation in the Social Science
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Peace Education and Research Institut. Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University
International Collaborative Research Promotion Program, Research Division, Research Office at Ritsumeikan University
Faculty of Law, Ritsumeikan University
Session 1 |
16:50 General Moderator: Prof. Masahisa Deguchi, Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
16:55 Opening Speech: Prof. Shinichi Ago, Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
17:00 Stefan Samse, Director Rule of Law Programme Asia, Leiter Rechtsstaatsprogramm Asien, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation |
17:05 Moderator: Prof. Hans-Peter Marutschke, Doshisha University (Deutschland) |
17:10 Speaker: Prof. Johannes Masing: Freiburg University (Germany) |
“Fundamental Rights Protection on the Internet-Horizontal Effects in the Information Age” |
17:40 Comments (3 minutes) & Discussion: |
Prof. Kimio Yakushiji: Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
Justice Kang Il-Won: Former Justice of Constitutional Court (Korea) |
Prof. In-Chin Chen: National Central University – NCU, Graduate Institute of Law & Government (Taiwan) |
Judge Ian Stewart Forrester: former judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union |
Prof. Shimon Shetreet, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) |
Prof. Michael Reiterer: former Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea (Austria) |
Prof. Masato Ichikawa: Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
18:30 End |
Session 2 |
09:15 Moderator: Prof. Dr. Michael Johannes Pils: Lawyer at Taylor Wessing (Germany) |
09:20 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Bart Krans, Universiteit Leiden (The Netherlands) Civil Courts |
“Covid and E-Justice” |
09:40 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Chien-Liang Lee Dist. Prof. Dr. & Director Institutum |
Iurisprudentiae Academia Sinica (Taiwan) |
“Legal Issues of Taiwan’s Digital Fence System in Times of COVID-19” |
10:00 Comments & Discussion: |
Prof. Dr. Meinhard Schröder, Passau University (Germany) |
10:20 Coffee Break |
Session 3. |
10:35 Moderator: Nguyen Linh Giang: Institute of State and Law, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (Vietnam) |
10:40 Speaker: Speaker: Prof. Dr. Christian Gomille, Universität des Saarlandes (Germany) “Online notarization under German notarial law” |
11:00 Prof. Dr. Philipp Reuß, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany) |
“The Orality Principle and the Digitalisation of Civil Procedure Law in Germany” |
11:20 Comment & Discussion: |
Assistant Prof. Maiko Miyashita (Surugadai University) |
Prof. Kuan-Ling Shen, National Taiwan University (Taiwan) |
11:40 Lunch |
Session 4. |
13:10 Welcome Speech: Prof. Makoto Hizume, Dean, College of Law, Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
13:15 Moderotor: Prof. Dr. Christian Gomille, Universität des Saarlandes (Germany) |
13:30 Speaker: Prof. In-Chin Chen: National Central University – NCU, Graduate |
“Digital Democracy in Taiwan“ |
13:50 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer: former Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea (Austria) “Cyber security as the framework for e-justice” |
14:10 Comment & Discussion: Prof. Heribertus Jaka Triyana (Indonesia) |
14:30 Coffee Break |
Session 5. |
14:45 Moderator: Prof. Kuan-Ling Shen, National Taiwan University (Taiwan) |
14:50 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Heriberutus Jaka Triyana: Faculty of Law Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia)“Relevance of Information Technology for Legal Education: Experience from Gadjah Mada University Law Faculty” |
15:10 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Christoph Krönke (WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Institut für Österreichisches und Europäisches Öffentliches Recht (IOER)) “AI in Public Administration” |
15:30 Comment & Discussion: KANG Il-won, Former Justice of the Constitutional Court in Korea, member of the Bureau Venice Commission (Korea) |
15:50 Coffee Break |
Session 6. |
16:20 Moderator: Prof. Masahisa Deguchi, Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
16:25 Speech: Martin Eberts Generalkonsul der Bundesrepbulik Deutschland Osaka Kobe |
16:30 Ritsumeikan Jazz Band |
16:35 Special Speaker: Yasuhiro Fujioka, “John Coltrane and Human Rights” |
17:35 Ritsumeikan Jazz Band |
17:45 End |
Session 7. |
09:30 Moderator: Prof. Dr. Chien-Liang Lee Dist. Prof. Dr. & Director Institutum Iurisprudentiae Academia Sinica (Taiwan) |
09:35 Speaker: Prof. Shimon Shetreet (Greenblatt Chair of Public and International Law Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) “The Justice Basic Values and Advance Technology: Contemporary Challenges” |
09:55 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Meinhard Schröder, Passau University (Germany) |
“Explainability of Artificial Intelligence (AI)” |
10:15 Comment & Discussion: |
Prof. Dr. Bart Krans, Universiteit Leiden (The Netherlands) |
10:35 Coffee Break |
Session 8. |
10:50 Moderator: Prof. Dr. Meinhard Schröder, Passau University (Germany) |
10:55 Speaker: Judge Ian Stewart Forrester: former judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union “European law and data questions” |
11:15 Speaker: Britta Sültz, Registered Foreign Law Attorney (German Law) at ARQIS Foreign Law Office ”Practical aspects and legal background of the work of foreign attorneys in Japan” |
11:35 Comment & Discussion: Prof. Omi Hatashin, Osaka Jyogakuin University (Japan) |
11:55 Lunch |
Session 9. |
14:00 Moderator: Prof. Hiroshi Tega (Japan) |
14:05 Speaker: KANG Il-won: former Justice of the Constitutional Court in Korea, member of the Bureau Venice Commission (Republic Korea) “E-Justice and Enhancement of Procedural Rights”. |
14:25 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michael Johannes Pils: Lawyer at Taylor Wessing (Germany) |
“Impacts of Information Technology in Employment Law” |
14:45 Comment & Discussion: |
Prof. Dr. Christian Gomille, Universität des Saarlandes (Germany) |
15:05 Coffee Break |
Session 10. |
15:20 Moderator: Prof. Dr. Philipp Reuß, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany) |
15:25 Speaker: Nguyen Linh Giang: Institute of State and Law, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (Vietnam) “Human rights and E-Justice in Vietnam in the post Covid-19 period” |
15:45 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Foroud Shirvani: Universität Bonn (Germany) “Digitisation of the Administrative Court Proceedings” |
16:05 Comment & Discussion: |
Britta Sültz, Registered Foreign Law Attorney (German Law) at ARQIS Foreign Law Office |
16:25 Coffee Break |
Session 11. |
16:50 Piano Music: Mayuko Obuchi from Wien (Japan) |
16:55 Moderator: Prof. Omi Hatashin (Japan) |
17:00 Speaker: Ian Stewart Forrester (Scotland) “The Brexit saga – the current developments” |
17:30 Comment (5 Minutes) & Discussion: |
Prof. Johannes Masing (Germany) |
Prof. Shimon Shetreet (Israel) |
Prof. Dr. Michael Johannes Pils (Germany) |
Justice Kang Il-Won (Korea) |
Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer (Austria) |
18:15 Closing Speech: Prof. Mitsuyuki Inaba, Dean of Research, Ritsumeikan University (Japan) |
18:30 End |
Summary of the two lectures (PDF)
The Dutch Preliminary Procedure (ppt)
Position of the Judicial Officer in the Netherlands (ppt)
Date: 12-14 March 2023
Language: English
The Institute for Justice Systems in Comparative Law (IJSCL) Ritsumeikan University
Konrad-Adenauer Foundation (Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia)
Eugusa Foundation for International Cooperation in the Social Science
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Peace Education and Research Institut. Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University
International Collaborative Research Promotion Program, Research Division, Research Office at Ritsumeikan University
Faculty of Law, Ritsumeikan University
Ian Forrester QC LLD: Judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) from 2015 to 2020
Addressing Brexit Problems (PDF)
Prof. Johannes Masing: Freiburg University, Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany
Fundamental Rights Protection on the Internet (PDF)